Friday, May 18, 2007

Tea Party Coloring Page


BeLoved.... said...

that is such a strange coincidence. my sister is in the hospital and she asked me to draw stuff for her to color in. i was thinking it would be cool to post some of these things on my blog as "freebies". i am so not a geek though and after i scan it, i don't know how to make the images large like you have on the webpages. would you be willing to share the directions with me? i'm a big fan of your other blog. finally, i'm living my dream of learning art with a correspondence course and you are such a great source of motivation.

Amy C. Moreno said...

you are so kind. I honestly don't know if I've actually got these formatted at the best size at the moment, but the main thing to remember is to keep the file size large enough so that when people click on the image, it will be fairly large. Have you tried it yet yourself with your images?
I hope your sister feels better soon. Congratulations on seeking your dream and attaining it. Thank you so much for your kind comments.